The Involutionism

At least stop promoting stupidity!


Involutionism is a new artistic trend founded by Andrei Budău, which aims to criticize and confront the lack of culture and degrading values ​​of contemporary society. This current stands against the promotion of ignorance and mediocrity, advocating for a revival of authentic cultural values ​​and education through art.

Slogan: "At least stop promoting stupidity!"

Involutionism also presents itself as a deep reaction against the cult of praise and superficiality promoted on social networks. In an era where online platforms are flooded with images and posts that glorify material achievements and extravagant lifestyles, involutionism brings to the fore an alternative vision based on modesty and authenticity.

This artistic current criticizes the tendency to flaunt personal success and material possessions as indicators of individual worth. Rather than focusing on flashy image and ephemeral appearances, involutionism emphasizes the importance of core values ​​such as simplicity and introspection. Involutionist artists tackle themes that reflect a deeper view of life, emphasizing authenticity and essential experiences.

By rejecting ostentation and superficiality, involutionism offers not only a critique of contemporary culture, but also a call to appreciate fundamental values. This current promotes a return to the essentials, inviting us to focus on the essential aspects of life, instead of being swayed by appearances and consumerism. In a world often dominated by appearances and luxury, involutionism reminds us of the importance of modesty and authenticity, providing a valuable contrast to the superficial culture of social media.

The concept of Involutionism

Involutionism is an artistic movement that derives its juice from dissatisfaction with current trends in society, which often favor superficiality at the expense of true cultural values. The founder of this movement, Andrei Budău, sees Involutionism as a battle cry against the cultural and intellectual involution of contemporary society, promoting, instead, educational, cultural, spiritual and artistic evolution.

Basic principles of Involutionism:

1. Criticism of Contemporary Society: Involutionism criticizes trends in superficiality and lack of cultural depth, directly addressing issues related to mass media, education, and entertainment.

2. Criticism of Mass-Media and New Media: Involutionism also criticizes the role of mass-media and new media in promoting lack of culture and perpetuating superficial values.

3. Promoting Authentic Values: This movement encourages a return to authentic cultural values, art education, and deep appreciation of positively constructive artistic creation.

4. Education through Art: Involutionism advocates for continued education and personal development through art, believing that true culture can only be transmitted and perpetuated through a deep understanding of artistic forms.

5. Return to True Moral Values: Involutionism draws attention to the need to return to genuine moral values, which contemporary society forgets under the guise of a misunderstood democracy. This current promotes a return to integrity, respect and authenticity in all aspects of cultural and artistic life.

Andrei Budău:

Founder of Involutionism

Andrei Budău is a cinematographer and photographer, activist in cultural and artistic projects, with a solid academic training in the art of the film image and the history of cultural resources. He is a vocal critic of the cultural involution in contemporary society and a passionate art education enthusiast. Also, Andrei Budău is president of the Dacian Heritage Art Association, an association that supports and promotes the Romanian national heritage through the arts.


- Degree in Film and TV Imagining: National University of Theater and Cinematography I. L. Caragiale (UNATC) Bucharest

- Master in the Art of Film Imagery and New Media: I. L. Caragiale National University of Theater and Cinematography (UNATC) Bucharest

- Master's student in History, Cultural and Heritage Resources in Contemporary Society: University of Bucharest

Objectives of Involutionism

- Creating Provocative Artwork: Involutionism aims to create artwork that provokes and stimulates critical thinking, questions current norms and inspires change. Involutionist works are meant to be provocative, thought-provoking, and generate deep discussion about the current state of culture and societal values.

- Education and Awareness: Through exhibitions, lectures and publications, Andrei Budău and the supporters of Involutionism want to educate the public about the importance of authentic culture and artistic values. They aim to create educational platforms and collaborate with academic institutions to promote a deeper understanding of art and culture.

- Constructive Criticism: Involutionism not only criticizes, but also offers solutions to improve the cultural and intellectual landscape of society. This includes proposals for educational reform, encouraging quality artistic production, and promoting a public discourse that emphasizes value and authenticity.

The Expected Impact of Involutionism

Andrei Budău, through Involutionism, aims to create a cultural resistance movement that inspires and motivates a profound change in the way society perceives and values ​​culture, art and education. The movement wants to become a catalyst for a cultural renaissance, where integrity, respect for authentic values, and deep and meaningful education are at the center of attention. Involutionism aspires to bring art and culture back to the forefront of collective consciousness, thus contributing to the development of a more educated, spiritual and artistic society.